Monday, July 9, 2012

Menarik Dari Mukabuku

1. Bahaya Telefon Bimbit
Jangan sekali-kali menggunakan telefon bimbit semasa ia sedang dicas!
Jika ada 
panggilan masuk ketika telefon bimbit anda  sedang dicas , cabut plug dari pengecas  tersebut.
Telefon bimbit adalah ciptaan moden yang sangat berguna. Walau bagaimanapun, kita perlu sedar bahawa ia juga boleh menjadi penyebab  kematian.

READ THIS e-mail, 

.....I do this all the time! I guess I won't be doing it ANY more ! 
A few days ago, a person was recharging his mobile phone at home. Just at that time a call came in and he answered it with the charging Instrument still connected to the outlet.
After a few seconds electricity flowed into the cell phone unrestrained and the young man was thrown to the floor with a heavy thud. As you can see, the phone actually exploded.

His parents rushed to the room only to find him unconscious, with a weak heartbeat and burnt fingers.
He was rushed to the nearby hospital, but was pronounced dead on arrival.

*Never use the cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet! If you are charging the cell phone and a call comes in, unplug it from the charger and outlet.

'SKYPUNCH'- Senario Seakan Kiamat

Fenomena meteorologi yang jarang berlaku ini dipanggil 'SKYPUNCH'. Apabila orang melihat ini, mereka fikir dunia dah nak kiamat. Sebenarnya, kejadian ini berlaku akibat kristal ais yang membentuk di atas altitud tinggi sehingga ke paras awan, kemudian jatuh menjunam ke bawah sehingga membentuk satu lohong di tengah-tengah langit.
Sangat menakutkan

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